Is This Time To Say Goodbye?

Is This Time To Say Goodbye?

Kavitha called me early today and said it was urgent.
I got into my office and settled down.
“Laurence, I have a friend who has been on life support for 10 days. Her husband wants to know if she can communicate as she tears, whenever he speaks with her, but her eyes can’t open up. They have a daughter and son and want to know how to proceed from here, can you help?”
Kavitha explained that Jay has a heart issue and they detected that her brain is still active. Her husband needs help to decide what to do next. I received the questions and I tuned into Jay.
“Hello Jay, Kavitha wants me to help, may I speak with you?
Your husband wants to know if you have been holding on so you can tell him something?
He believes you are concerned with how the children will be cared for?
Can you get through this medical condition?
Would you like your children to be cared for by your sister?
Would you like your husband to stay on in Singapore?
He wants you to know that he loves you dearly and is finding it hard to decide things on his own.
Can you pull through?
Then will you just let go, as he says he will take care of everything here. And says not to worry. He will be the best a father can be….
Yes. “
I conveyed the response to Kavitha and to Jay's husband.
I received a message at 6pm today that Jay had transited.
This work can be very painful at times for me too. But I hope it helps with closure.
Be well Jay. Your husband says it’s a promise he will keep.
Names have been changed for privacy reasons.
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